Frequently Asked Questions
Frequent Questions
From experience, we know that the list of our FAQs may be your first line of questions that come to mind when arranging a funeral. For further and more detailed information Thom Kight & Company will be there to advise you.
Cremated remains can be carried onto flights in either your hand baggage or checked baggage.
In order to comply with regulations, you will need to carry with you the following documents:
You will also need to ensure that the cremated remains are packed in a sealed outer box or case.
Please be aware that if you are carrying them in your hand baggage, full security procedures will still apply and the sealed box/urn will be x-rayed at the airport security point. Therefore, we need to advise you that if the urn is made of a material that prevents the x-ray device from clearly being able to see what is inside, then the container will not be allowed through the security checkpoint; it is not policy at airport security locations to open any urn, out of respect.
We would strongly advise however, that you contact the embassy of the destination country to learn about that country’s requirements and to ascertain if there is any likelihood of complication at border checkpoints.
This is our general advice, if you cannot physically travel with the ashes, you may wish to consider using our Air Freight / Repatriation Services.
If the death is not due to natural causes, the deceased will be taken to a government mortuary for a post-mortem examination. Thom Kight & Company can arrange a post-mortem with a private pathologist at our in-house mortuary.
Family Values and Contemporary Choices
The Highest Standards
We provide high-quality services in line with the Industry's code
of practice standards and professional ethics.
Quality and standards are what bereaved families assume, want, and expect from funeral directors. We are a member of the World Organisation of Funeral Operatives (FIAT–IFTA) and a founding member of the Independent Funeral Directors Association of Southern Africa (IFDA). To maintain high standards, our staff undertakes continued training and reviews professional practice standards.